Fly climate neutral.
Do good from 6,50€.

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Laura flies climate neutral with mindfulflights
11 minutes ago
Verena flies climate neutral with mindfulflights
24 minutes ago

Go to places you love.
Climate friendly.

Since a school project over 6 years ago, we have been on a mission to connect the world more sustainably. Fly as little as possible but when you fly, only fly climate neutral.

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It takes one flight to exceed your annual carbon budget.

Everyone of us has a carbon budget of 1 ton of CO2 per year according to the 1,5° goal. A single long haul flight already emits 3 times of that.


Do good and offset.
It only takes a few minutes.


See the impact you have by flying climate neutral.

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Show your dedication to sustainable travel.

mindfulflights sticker
Starts at 6,50€ per flight.

Projects with impact.
Backed by science.

star Verified Carbon Standard certified
Forest Protection
The Amazon rainforest is vital for CO2 absorption. Prevent deforestation, preserve biodiversity and create jobs by funding Fairtrade cacao.
star GoldStandard certified
Clean Drinking Water
Boiling water to disinfect it is harmful for locals and our planet. Provide a sustainable and climate-friendly source for clean drinking water.
Sierra Leone
Learn more
star United Nations certified
Clean Wind Energy
Producing energy from coal is highly emission intensive. Enable the replacement of coal-fired power plants with wind energy.
Learn about our Climate Fund
Projects certified by the United Nations, VCS and the GoldStandard.
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Protecting earth
is a team effort.

More than 10000 flights offset with us.

Your life.
Climate neutral.

A subscription to offset all your lifes emissions.
Starting at 2€ / week.

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Got questions?
We answered.

Carbon offsetting reduces the exact emissions caused by your flight. These emissions are reduced or ‘offset’ by our climate protection projects which enable rain forest protection, wind energie and access to clean drinking water. By supporting our certified projects you are able to fly climate neutral.

Our data is provided by the british environmental ministry (DEFRA). It takes into account what class you’re flying and also considers the radiation factor which depends on the height at which emissions are emitted.

All of our climate protection projects are certified by independent third parties such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Vienna University of Natural Resources and the CCBA Standard. Underlying techniques are approved by the World Health Organization. These certifications guarantee that the reduction of CO2 emissions is validated thoroughly.

As you know, the more you reduce your air travel the better for our earth and its climate. Make sure to be mindful when travelling and to adapt your means of transportation based on sustainability. For example, use the train whenever possible. If you happen to take direct flights, make sure to book economy class. Also you might want to check if your airline of choice uses techniques to reduce fuel consumption.

mindfulflights is an initiative run by students from Vienna, Austria. Since a school project over 6 years ago, we have been on a mission to connect the world more sustainably. And here we are: mindfulflights is not just a website, but a community that acts today for tomorrow and enables you to stay connected with loved people and places in a mindful way.

If you offset your flight with mindfulflights, a minimum of 6,50 € per flight compensation applies. A smaller amount would suggest that short flights are not as harmful to our earth yet exactly those would be substitutable by other, more sustainable means of transportation. But no worries! In this case, we offset more than your flight emits to make up for it.

Legally, offsetting contributions are the purchase of emission reduction certificates from our climate protection projects, consequently the monthly contribution cannot be classified as a donation, but rather as a purchase. The certificates are issued by our third party monitored projects. Your purchase of these certificates reduces more than the amount of CO2 emitted by your flight and is essential to enabling our projects, securing wildlife habitat and creating jobs for locals in the project regions.

PayPal, Direct debit (= instant bank transfer) or credit card are the payment methods accepted to offset your flight.

Meet the team.
Let’s do good together.

We stand by what we do.
More than 6 years ago we started a project at school. We were driven by the idea to help people reduce their carbon footprint. And here we are: TeamClimate is not just a website, but a community that acts today for tomorrow and solves the biggest problem of mankind - the climate crisis.

We are looking forward to you becoming part of our story.
Christoph & Karim, Founders
Learn more about us
Something unclear?
Get in touch.
[email protected]
Lindengasse 56, Wien
We’ve already protected
m2 of rainforest.
See what we achieved
© 2024 ReGreen GmbH